Wednesday, 4 May 2011

aye aye fish pie!!

In my new role as house manager** I have actually become pretty nifty when it comes to rustling up a nice home cooked dinner for Franny. I won't be boring you with my recipes everyday but I'll share this one as its really easy and super tasty!

                                            Franny about to tuck into left overs for lunch....


4 potatoes
double cream
a tub of extra light cream cheese (150g)
grated cheddar
200g of cooked king prawns
fish pie mix (can be found in most supermarkets, alternatively a bit of cod, salmon and snapper!!)
250ml dry white wine
3 hard boiled eggs

1. Start by peeling your spuds and cutting them into large chunks. Put them into a pan of boiling water and leave them to simmer for about 25mins, until they are really soft!

2. When the potatoes have been cooking for about 10minutes heat another sauce pan and pour in the dry white wine, let this reduce by about a half (should take about 3mins!) then add your assortment of fish. Let the fish cook in the wine for around 5 mins and then add the prawns and leave to simmer for another minute.

3. Add the cream cheese to the fish and stir thoroughly, then tip a few tablespoons of double cream (for extra naughtiness add a handful of grated cheddar) and season well. Leave this to heat through for about 3 mins adding the spinach until wilted. 

4. Pour the mixture into an oven proof dish and top with slices of hard boiled egg.

5. In the pan used for the fish heat some butter, add about 150ml of milk and another couple of tablespoons of double cream. Drain the potatoes and add them to the pan and mash. Make sure the mash is super smooth, if not add more of the same (milk, cream, butter)

6. Spoon the mash onto the top of the fish mix and create smooth lines using a fork, sprinkle with grated cheese and pop under the grill for around 5mins or until it looks golden brown....... Voila easy peasy fish pie!!

** not to be confused with housewife

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